Discover ecoinvent in EIME
LCIE Bureau Veritas is proud to annouce the release of ecoinvent in EIME v6!
ecoinvent expertise
ecoinvent was founded by the Swiss research institutes ETH, EPFL, Empa, Agroscope and the Paul Scherrer Institute.
The first version of the ecoinvent database was released in 2003.
Today, ecoinvent is one of the most recognized Life Cycle Inventory databases in the world for its completeness and transparency. ecoinvent contains more than 23,000 LCI datasets covering a wide range of activities.
EIME | ecoinvent licenses
EIME offers ecoinvent “Allocation, cut-off, EN 15804” database in its most recent version published by ecoinvent: version 3.10.1 (Nov. 2024) and version 3.11 (Nov. 2024).
The Allocation, cut-off, EN 15804 system model selected by LCIE Bureau Veritas is the system having all the indicators necessary for the production of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in compliance with standard EN 15804+A2:2019 (EF 3.1 or TRACI 2.1).
ecoinvent datasets are available in EIME in 2 formats:
- Format ACVI – Dataset format giving access to the life cycle impact assessment (also called emission factor). Does not include the aggregated list of elementary input/output flows (LCI).
- Format ICV – Dataset format giving access to the aggregated list of elementary input/output flows (LCI) in Unit Process Black Box format (also called Cumulative Life Cycle Inventory) and giving access to the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA).
For more information, visit our page dedicated to ecoinvent: HERE
Would you like to acquire an EIME | ecoinvent license? Contact us !